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Ready to Affiliate with Heartbeat International?

Heartbeat International is a Christian, interdenominational association that provides networking opportunities and the support, training, and resources for members to be creative and entrepreneurial in their own communities, as the Lord leads. It is the largest pregnancy help association in the world, currently supporting, starting, and strengthening over 3,000 pregnancy help organizations—including international affiliates on every inhabited continent—to provide alternatives to abortion. Our members include pregnancy help centers, maternity homes, non-profit adoption agencies, and abortion recovery programs.

You can become a Heartbeat affiliate by downloading the mail-in form or using the online affiliation form. (Pricing is effective January 1, 2024)

In order to become an affiliate of Heartbeat International, you must review and agree to abide by the Heartbeat Principles and Commitment of Care and Competence:


[Download the mail-in form.]

Heartbeat Principles:

  • Heartbeat affiliates propose and offer, through education and creative services, positive, life-affirming choices for the woman challenged by pregnancy.
  • Heartbeat affiliates shall prefer and promote the value and place of sexual intimacy, children, and family building within marriage between one man and one woman.
  • Heartbeat affiliates’ services are personal, confidential, and nonjudgmental.
  • Heartbeat affiliates present alternatives to abortion without discriminating based on race, ethnicity, creed, color, national origin, age, or marital status.
  • Heartbeat affiliates shall not advise, provide, or refer for abortion, abortifacients, or contraceptives.

Affiliates are entirely autonomous in all other matters of policy and management.

Our Commitment of Care and Competence

  • Clients are served without regard to age, race, income, nationality, religious affiliation, disability or other arbitrary circumstances.
  • Clients are treated with kindness, compassion and in a caring manner.
  • Clients always receive honest and open answers.
  • Client pregnancy tests are distributed and administered in accordance with all applicable laws.
  • Client information is held in strict and absolute confidence. Releases and permissions are obtained appropriately. Client information is only disclosed as required by law and when necessary to protect the client or others against imminent harm.
  • Clients receive accurate information about pregnancy, fetal development, lifestyle issues, and related concerns.
  • We do not offer, recommend or refer for abortions, abortifacients or contraceptives. We are committed to offering accurate information about related risks and procedures.
  • All of our advertising and communication are truthful and honest and accurately describe the services we offer.
  • We provide a safe environment by screening all volunteers and staff interacting with clients.
  • We are governed by a board of directors and operate in accordance with our articles of incorporation, by-laws, and stated purpose and mission.
  • We comply with applicable legal and regulatory requirements regarding employment, fundraising, financial management, taxation, and public disclosure, including the filing of all applicable government reports in a timely manner.
  • Medical services are provided in accordance with all applicable laws, and in accordance with pertinent medical standards, under the supervision and direction of a licensed physician.
  • All of our staff, board members, and volunteers receive appropriate training to uphold these standards.

Final language as approved by the Leadership Alliance of Pregnancy Care Organizations – 07/09/19