A few years ago, a donor asked Ellen Foell, International Program Specialist for Heartbeat International, for the metrics of an international pregnancy center affiliate in Israel. This sparked a conversation with the pregnancy center, Be'ad Chaim, about what donors look for before giving to an organization. After sharing some tools with their National Director, Sandy Shoshani, she thoughtfully put together this video.
According to a study by Stanford Philanthropy and Civil Society, while observing donor behavior they learned that 70% of donors "tend to research their gifts." This finding is important to remember when considering what data to track based on what matters most to donors.
As you see from the video, tracking key data can be painless and seamless. As a pregnancy center, essential items that donors will look for include:
1. The number of women who call your center that want an abortion.
2. The number of women who call your center considering an abortion.
3. The number of women who call your center who just want help, and are not abortion-minded.
Click here for a template you can use to help you get started! If you find it easier to track online, make a copy of this Google template and use it for your center's calls. (Important: Make a copy of this Google form BEFORE using it.)