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Pro-life movement needs precinct captains

Get Out the VoteMaybe you didn’t know it, but there could be political vacancies right within your local community that need your pro-life leadership. Based in your neighborhood, the most local level of political office is that of precinct captain.

A precinct captain (also referred to as a central committee member or a precinct chairperson) acts as a liaison between a specific political party and the voters of a local precinct. Precinct captains are elected by their neighbors, and generally serve as volunteers, though in some cases they receive a small stipend from their respective political party.

A precinct captain serves his or her community by:

  • Facilitating voter registration and absentee ballot access
  • Leading “Get Out the Vote” outreach efforts
  • Assisting with voters’ transportation to the polls
  • Distributing party literature
  • Promoting his or her respective political organization

The pro-life movement needs precinct captains!

As an informed voter, concerned with pro-life values, here’s what you can do to get involved in the political process in your own community:

  1. Educate your precinct captain. Start by finding out who your precinct captain is, then educate him or her about pro-life issues on a regular basis. You can search online to obtain a list of your county’s precinct captains by entering your political party, along with your county and state.
  2. Become a precinct captain. Perhaps your precinct’s leadership position is currently vacant, or your current precinct captain isn’t seeking reelection. This could be your chance to get involved in bringing about needed change by your grassroots involvement.
  3. Encourage your pro-life friends to become precinct captains. As you take a more active role in your local community’s political landscape, encourage your pro-life friends to join you. 

To find out how you can impact future elections through your local precinct captain position, watch this simple, straightforward presentation: