In this workshop, participants will learn the ways that social media can benefit fundraising efforts, both to young Gen Z donors, and older supporters. We'll discuss the importance of donor development, and how the level of social media use for fundraising can aid or hurt that end goal. Presented by Crystal Hoag
Valerie Humes, Heartbeat International Housing Specialist, discusses the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on employment as well as the implications of the growing number of Generation Z employees. This workshop will review trends and practical strategies for organizations to adapt to the ever changing needs of the labor market inside the unique setting of ministry. Presented By: Valerie Humes
To help pregnancy centers understand why interacting with legislators at all levels of government is vital, and to give them tips and tricks to build relationships with both pro-abortion and pro-life legislators. Presented by Sarah Bowen, LAS
Micro Events are the newest best practice in fundraising. Learn how these bite-size events can make a big impact on your bottom line. Presented By: Lisa Stueckemann
To emphasize the importance of discipling your clients. God is relational and He wants us to be relational with our clients. Presented by Karen Schafer, CPA
The goal of this workshop is to offer spiritual renewal, theological backing, and practical applications for relying on God for the "Breakthrough" with clients. Presented by Anne Bramlage
Your clients are looking on Google for help. Learn 5 tips you can use to create more successful campaigns that increase your reach and relevance! Presented by: Bri Laycock