Ashley and Julian

Ashley’s Story

Julian —June 15, 2019 

Julian smAfter taking the first abortion pill, Ashley felt an onslaught of guilt and conviction. What if she made a mistake? She immediately went home and searched online and found the Abortion Pill Rescue Network. The APR consultant listened to Ashley and gave her hope that it might not be too late. 

They located a doctor within an hour so Ashley could start the reversal process and save her baby’s life.

Ashley continued being monitored through the pregnancy. All tests came out strong!

She had her healthy baby boy, Julian, on June 15, 2019. 

“Thank you all again for your help. I’m blessed and thankful every day. I could not imagine my life without my baby boy. I’m so glad I picked up my phone that day and looked for help, who knows What the outcome would have been?"