Kendra and Ella


Ella — Born September 2022 Kendra and Ella KS

Kendra Morgan, a freshman in college, discovered she was pregnant but initially kept it a secret, grappling with the decision of abortion due to a past assault. Despite her resolve to handle it alone, her mother intervened upon learning the truth from a friend. Reluctantly, Kendra agreed to visit a pregnancy center where she met a compassionate mentor.

Despite remaining abortion-minded, she attended an ultrasound at 8 weeks and witnessed the tiny form of her unborn child. Despite her reservations, Kendra found herself gradually deciding to keep the baby, buoyed by the support of her loved ones and the encouragement from Open Door.

Throughout her pregnancy, Kendra struggled with fear and shame, concealing her situation from others. However, the unwavering support she received allowed her to navigate the challenges and embrace motherhood when her daughter, Ella, was born. Contrary to her initial worries, Kendra was overwhelmed with love and joy upon holding Ella for the first time.

Balancing motherhood with her ambitions, Kendra joined the college cheer team when Ella was just 10 months old, concurrently pursuing her education and embarking on a career as a daycare teacher. Reflecting on her journey, Kendra expressed deep gratitude for the assistance and guidance provided by Open Door, acknowledging that without their support, she might have struggled profoundly. Ultimately, Kendra found fulfillment in being Ella's mother, believing that her daughter has a profound purpose and eagerly anticipating the ongoing transformation she brings into her life.