If your organization has an interest in how fertility education can enhance the services your organization provides, this training is for you. Not only will we cover an overview of fertility education, but we will outline how we can use this information and approach to enhance women's services. One of the best ways we can empower women is helping them understand their own bodies' natural cycles, so they can approach their own healthcare knowing what is normal and abnormal, healthy and unhealthy.
Provider approved by the California Board of Registered Nursing, Provider Number CEP 16061 for 1.0 contact hours.
Refund Policy
1. Refunds for non-attendance will only be awarded if non-attendance is the direct result of an unplanned or unannounced outage. When a registrant is unable to access a webinar/course due to an unplanned or unannounced server outage of Heartbeat International Academy, the HeartbeatInternational.org website, or HeartbeatServices.org website, Heartbeat International will contact the registrant to notify them of the refund due them and issue the refund. Refund will be made to the registrant within 1 week of the cancelled event subject to processing fees.
2. When a course/webinar is cancelled for which individuals have registered, Heartbeat International will send a notification to each registrant per email or phone. Full refund will be sent to registrant within one week of cancellation.