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Christ-centered, sensitive, well-documented, and factually accurate, Talking About Abortion also helps establish consistency and continuity of information that your center offers the public.
Featuring a tab-formated dialogue that reflects the latest information on abortion procedures (the Morning After Pill, RU-486, surgical abortion and more) and a 10-Point Health and Safety Checklist, Talking About Abortion reflects 45 years of experience from Heartbeat International, and is the training guide of choice for Option Line.
Talking About Abortion is the go-to resource for training staff and volunteers either on the phone or sitting knee-to-knee with a woman who feels abortion is her only choice.
Our Passion to Serve
Our Commitment of Care and Competence
Preface to Sixth Edition
LOVE and Truth: Training to Be a Helper
Phone Call Tips
Summary of Do’s and Don’ts
Initial Contact
Use Active Listening to Understand the Client’s Situation
Answer the Initial Question
Challenging Calls: Abortion-Related Calls
Introduction to the 10 Point Health and Safety Checklist
10 Point Health and Safety Checklist
Check Point One: Pregnancy Test
Check Point Two: Ultrasound
Check Point Three: Emotional Complications
Check Point Four: Physical Complications
Check Point Five: Legal Rights
Check Point Six: Abortion Procedures
Check Point Seven: Fetal Development
Check Point Eight: Procedure/ Costs at Clinic
Check Point Nine: STD/ STI
Check Point Ten: Alternatives
Talking Points on MAP / ECP
Talking Points on RU-486/Chemical Abortion
Helpline Client Information Sheet
Outline of Risk Factors Predicting Psychological Sequelae
Risk Factor List for Use with Clients
Abortion Procedures Chart
Heartbeat International Resource List