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*NEW 4th Edition* (2021)
Originally developed by Heartbeat International president Peggy Hartshorn, Ph.D., The Love Approach™ Training Manual is simple to learn, yet explosive in its impact. This manual captures and communicates the essence of what it means to reach a woman in the "valley of decision" with the life-saving power of compassion and hope.
This manual teaches the principles of service in a life-affirming organization so that helpers feel more confident when they work with women in need.
In the first three Chapters, I: “Foundational Principles,” II: “The Four Steps of LOVE,”
and III: “Legal Principles,” the manual provides an excellent way to train staff who will
be consulting with clients or patients to help them meet behavioral objectives. The goal
of these Chapters is to develop or enhance the behaviors and skills that they will need to
help the client with problem solving and with help and support in a loving, caring way.
The goal of the remaining Chapters is to provide crucial information and knowledge to
help meet cognitive objectives. The trainee should be familiar with the information in
these remaining Chapters, know it, and understand it in order to work within your
organization. This information guides staff in using The LOVE Approach™ to its fullest
potential when introducing options, providing new vision, and offering concrete support.
These Chapters are IV: “Fertility and Tests,” V: “Pregnancy,” VI: “Fetal Development,”
VII: “Abortion,” VIII: “Parenting Choices,” and IX: “Sexual Integrity.”
Our Passion to Serve
Our Commitment of Care and Competence
Chapter I: Foundational Principles
God’s Invitation to You
Chapter II: The Four Steps of LOVE
Chapter III: Legal Principles
Chapter IV: Fertility and Tests
Chapter V: Pregnancy
Chapter VI: Fetal Development
Chapter VII: Abortion
Chapter VIII: Parenting Choices
Chapter IX: Sexual Integrity