APR Nurse Homepage

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Welcome to Abortion Pill Rescue scheduling!

Please stop by frequently and use the "Sign Up Here" button to assign yourself APR shifts and to see current announcements.  
All of us at Heartbeat International are so thankful for your life-saving work as you serve the women requesting reversal. We are blessed to have you as part of the team!
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Important Information:

Resource Nurses are available to you.If a question arises during your shift, please text all three in a group text. The one most available will help you:

  Important Reminders:
Liz Delgado RN (resource #1) 760-504-2182    To submit client intake forms, send to:  followup@apr.life  
Debbie Bradel RN (resource #2) 619-933-7776    To invoice for payment of your shift or for progesterone reimbursement, send to: cbrown@apr.life
Andi Finch RN (resource #3) 619-244-5021     


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