Heartbeat International Servant Leaders

“A servant leader is one who has a servant’s heart and mind, a servant’s values and attitudes, but a leader’s skill, a leader’s vision and ingenuity, and a leader’s creativity. A leader in its simplest definition has two primary ingredients. He is (1) influencing people (2) in a certain direction. That direction may be positive or negative.”
-Tim Hansel

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About the Award

Servant Leaders Awards are given to recognize special people who have given of themselves sacrificially in the service of Life, as both servants of others and leaders in their own right.

The first awards were given to individuals and couples who were some of the “giants” in the first 25 years of Heartbeat’s history, when we were called AAI.

Since we began awarding this honor in 1996, this list has grown to over 60 life-affirming individuals and couples, foot soldiers just like you, who have lovingly answered the call to hold each life precious.

Heartbeat International Servant Leader Award Recipients

1996 Esther Applegate 2005 Kelle Berry
1996 Alice and Dr. Frank Brown 2005 Vicky Botsford
1996 Dr. John Hillabrand, MD 2005 Susan Brown
1996 Alice Krycinski 2005 Father Frank Pavone
1996 Lore Maier 2006 Russ Amerling
1996 Anne and Jimmy Pierson 2006 Linda Augsperger
1996 Ursula and Ed Slaggert 2006 Beth Diemert
1996 Sister Paula Vandegaer 2007 Anne Foster
1997 Carol Aronis 2007 Sam and Gloria Lee
1996 Margaret Lee 2007 Dinah Monahan
1998 Rev. John Ensor 2008 Dr. Alveda King
1998 Dr. Pam Smith 2008 Pat Layton
1999 Molly Kelly 2008 Edward and Barbara Mwansa
1999 Pat Lassen 2008 Julie Parton, PhD
1999 Imre Teglasy 2009 Pauline and George Economen
2000 Jim Manning 2009 John Tabor
2000 Juergen Severloh 2009 Janet Trenda
2000 Julie Wilson 2009 Dr. Levon Yuille
2000 Curt Young 2010 Marianne Casagranda
2001 Sheila Boyle 2010 Sandy Epperson
2001 Kurt Dillinger 2010 Jorge Serrano
2001 Rev. Johnny and Pat Hunter 2010 Charles and Barbara Thomas
2001 Bethany Woodcock 2011 Lola French
2002 Dr. Elaine Eng 2011 Patricia Lindley
2002 Olusegun Famure 2011 Elaine Ham
2002 Tom Glessner, JD 2011 Cindi Boston
2002 Mike Hartshorn, JD 2012 George and Louise Eusterman
2003 Rev. David Bentley 2012 Jeannette Kuipoff
2003 Dr. Eric Keroack, MD 2012 Pat Sween
2003 Mary Suarez-Hamm 2012 Lily Perez
2003 Dr. John C. Wilke, MD 2013 Ann Carruth
2004 Kurt Entsminger, MD 2013 Becky Coggin Hyde
2004 Vivian Koob 2013 Beverly Kline
2004 Gail Schriener 2013 Amy Jones