2023 Conference Recordings

Recordings from our 2023 Conference available now! Once purchased, each recording can be accessed through our Academy and offers Life Affirming Specialist credit. 

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2023 Keynote - Attorney General Daniel Cameron

2023 Annual Conference Keynote presented by Attorney General of the State of Kentucky, Daniel Cameron


2023 Keynotes Nadia - Ukraine, Sandy - Israel and Parade of Nations

2023 Annual Conference Keynotes: Nadia, Sav A Life Ukraine and Sandy Shoshani, Be'ad Chaim Israel
Parade of Nations


A Biblical Call to Care

This workshop will take a look into the biblical basis for and theology behind adoption and care of the vulnerable. It will also present practical ways your center can encourage women to explore all of the life giving options available. Presented by Herbie Newell


A Long Walk in the Same Direction

This workshop will explore the steps necessary for a successful long-term leadership role. Presented by Raul and Christine Reyes


Abortion Pill Reversal Post-Roe

The goal of this workshop is to give attendees an update on abortion pill reversal including its increased importance in the era of mail order and telemedicine abortion. Presented by George Delgado, M.D.
